Word and Image

Unintended, I’m Sure

IMG_6024Censorship is so wacky in this country, you have to shake your head in amazement sometimes. There are numerous instances. Just to refresh you, there is the blurring of faces in advertisements that stores show. You see a camp scene and six people gathered to model clothing and all the faces are blurred. They blur the monuments in the cemetery because of the crosses. I kid you not. This was a most puzzling scene in the movie Sherlock Holmes that I watched on the airplane. I am, by now, used to blurred spots where a bit of risqué cleavage (top button undone) might show. And often whole scenes are simply deleted leaving a gap in the plot that you would have to find imagination to fill.

So here is a billboard poster right on Thalia Street. It’s for yogurt. I get it even without benefit of translation. But if you look a different way, wouldn’t this be a fertility poster as well. Egg and well you guess….wait till someone else gets the same idea. Maybe it’s just me but now that you have a second look…? (If you’re extremely dim, the red berries are the cell nucleus.)

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