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Archive for June 24, 2024

Learning curve

For the third time… I had a malfunction with the Sony A6700. Really!!?? It had such high marks in review when it was first released. Long story short – the camera will not autofocus. POS (we all know what that means!)

I had returned two more bodies… As I was about to return a third… I discovered that the malfunction was in the lens. Damn and double damn!! The internet was totally unhelpful to solve the problem. Sony was unhelpful!! They suggested a service repair estimate of $474 without guarantee of any real repair. And Sony certainly was unable to decipher the problem via email.

As I packaged the latest Sony A6700 body for return… It was the lens!!! It would not autofocus. Motor inside the lens?? Who knows? Off to Sony service… it is less $$ only an estimate of $274.

If it is the lens then I am stuck with two bodies and two lenses. Hey, if they work?! It was oh so aggravating!! Lenses and bodies were new when bought. Breakdown? Not for a good long while… except if you are so unlucky. And then to discover the problem on your own. Well, the saga ain’t over yet.

Sony – thumbs down – two thumbs down!! B&H photo – good. They were willing to accept a return without any squabble. I did not return the body. It appears B&H sent me a good camera body.

What have I learned? So far….  Sony?? Buyer beware! I never considered that some of the cameras are more reliable than others. And I never would have suspected the lens to be the culprit. Blame the camera body electronics. Wrong!

Yes! There are a lot of cameras. And they are in use!