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Posts tagged “Surfer

My way

“Regrets, I’ve had a few
But then again too few to mention…”  My Way – Sinatra

… I probably won’t be scuba diving again. I have seen great beauty. I see great beauty. I have been happy. I am happy.

Regrets? A few.


Big wind. Big waves. Ummm? 10 foot waves? Surfers. It’s January and it’s 60 degrees. It is still brisk! A show! They caught waves. I caught them. Everyone went away happy! Cue the guitars. (Wipeout – Surfaris)

In the curl! Hey! I was in the right place at the right time. We don’t see waves this large on this beach. It was indeed rare. It’s cold. You wear a wet suit. I would like a more comfortable venue. These guys are good!

In the curl

Sometimes I surprise myself. Ha ha! Dave missed it. He said, “Nice wave!”

No no no! The surfer! Look inside the curl of the wave. Ah!! That’s a shot! Damn! I got him in the center of the wave. The boogie boarder did not come out the other side. He wiped out right after this shot. But!! I got a great shot! Wow! I’m impressed. I am the proverbial blind squirrel that got a nut. I pressed the shutter. Ok ok, I have skill. Not just anyone can press the shutter at the right critical moment. Uh huh! But I will admit to you that this was strictly serendipity. Luck!

I could walk around telling everyone that this is just the shot I meant to take. Sure! But to be honest….

Big waves

Hurricane Lee – downgraded – cyclone, tropical storm… it wreaked worry upon Dave’s travel plans. You can’t fly away in a jet plane. Far far away from us it cast big waves upon our shores. Surfers’ delight! I got great shots of the breaking waves. And so soon after the recent beach replenishment, the waves rode right on up to the dunes once more. Mother Nature sure is powerful. And, she can put on quite a show!


August. Summer is waning. The sun comes up later. The mornings are cooler now. Time is passing. Flowers begin to fade. Barbie?? Things that are old become new again. It adds up. Discovery. What do you do when you have a terrible fight? Go shopping. Ha ha. We discovered things. Bombay tea pot. The company was from China and is now out of business. The sewing machine? I sold it. Yes, a buyer was asking about a mini Singer and I led him right to it. He and his wife were ecstatic to run away with it. $$$. I knew a time when there were four Beatles. And… to finish… to the beach. Kids, yes! The surfer… had a beard. … it’s time to dress for fall (song: yes, old too). It was but a day.

Honesty in a small town

Lost at the beach. You lose your keys and assume it is gone in the sand. Dropped along the way, there is no way you will ever recover your lost keys. Wrong!

Someone found the key fob and placed it on top of the fence post. It lay there on top for days! Over the weekend! No one took them. And, alas, the owner did not return to find them. The beach was – once and done! In a small town, there is honesty on hand for us to observe. Amazement! I came from a large city. Someone would have  already… we stopped a passing bicycle cop and he took the keys to lost and found. I doubt those keys will find its owner again. But, at least we tried. Lost but not found.

High tide

Bay of Fundy, it’s the high tide. I cannot, could not, photograph its grandeur and immensity. Sure, I can document, but no photograph I took conveyed this force of nature. Fall color? Sure! The scale of high tide and its sheer height difference is easy to show. I simply lacked the creative idea of how to make a remarkable picture from this opportunity. My bad.

The tide comes in a wave; and folks surf it. Cool. We were there. Saw it, photographed it, experienced it. Colleen is such a good sport. We drove madly from place to place to see the tide. Surfing the tide? Imagine that!


I just told you I don’t do motor drive. I did. Well, I shot a sequence – rapidly. I did not just press down and hope for the best. There’s some skill involved even though it was a burst of images. Ha! Whatever! Poor surfer guy. He did a show just for me. It was one and done. He left the water shortly after. It was the only wave he caught. Well, he didn’t catch it as much as it caught him. But he made a great series for me. TY


It ain’t easy. Try to photograph a breaking wave and likely you will miss. Well, at least I do, more often than not. This activity is from some of the leftover hurricane activity. Nice breakers. Good high ones. Clean curl. I don’t surf. Still, I can appreciate a nice wave.


Surfer Girls


I forgot to tell you that Jules surfs. She told me and I thought Jeff had just taught her. But no, wrong, jules knows how to surf from being in Mexico with Laura. They are not great, but they can both get up and go. I admit the waves were a bit small, as in nonexistent, this day. They tried a tandem which had disaster written all over it. No, they were not serious.


Yes, they had a lot of fun in the frigid waters of the Pacific. Hey, Hawaii’s in the Pacific. That’s the warm water I remember. Yesterday – that was the Atlantic. Coast to coast and across continents, I’ve seen the Red Sea, Atlantic, Pacific, and flown over the Mediterranean in the past couple weeks. My sleep pattern is so discombobulated.