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Posts tagged “Heilan coo

A long long way…

…away?! I had to go to Scotland to get a picture of a heilan coo?! It was a long plane flight and fruitless search to get a few shots on a few days. The national mascot was not really out and about waiting for a photo op. I did get a few shots…

We live a few miles from a farm produce place that has animals for visitors to feed. Kids love it. Goats, a horse, a cow… there! In a field apart…stood three heilan coo. Darn! Clean! The ignored me. They did not pose. I got no welcome. There was no curiosity. I clicked the camera.

How long did we travel…? No no, we did not get the northern lights though they said the solar activity brought the light show way far more south than per usual.

So, our recent trip to Scotland did have some unique side benefits when I shot the northern lights on our very last night there.

Just lookin’

Real estate. This is as far as Colllen has brung me. We looked. She’d buy. I’m just lookin’.

Fall – nope, it’s still spring, but I fell. The photo was taken by the camera and it still works just fine. Me? Bruised, sore, intact camera, ego mildly damaged, and some lost skin.

Weather? We had hail. Yup! And… pheasants and heilan coo. Sheep think anyone approaching is gonna feed them. They gather ‘round till the ruse is exposed. My bad.

It is the whole building across the street from the cathedral (background selfie) for sale… just lookin’.

It’s the people

Travel. National Geographic. Sights. Monuments.

But the real essence is in the people you encounter. Bag pipes! Wonderful! Madame Curie? Falcon? Kids! And, perhaps, a heilan coo. People, they make the trip personal. We encounter folks in passing. Colleen engages in cultural exchange – ours vs different from our every day. It’s fascinating. New ideas!

Me? I like the cow…

Cow encounter

Highland cow. Or, heilan coo. They are the quintessential image of Scotland. Cute. They warn me that the cows can hurt the unwary. I chase heilan coo photo ops. We met a woman in a shop who directed me to this field. Nobody comes ‘round much. The herd charged down the hill to me and we stood staring at one another. As I left, they lined up and marched in line along the wall behind me. It was a weird encounter all around.

I love this cow. They are characterized by hair over the forehead and into the eyes. And, of course, who doesn’t love a redhead!

One day

We had a record day (for me) more than 2000 images shot. Three island tour. Colleen scheduled it. It was spectacular! We saw puffins! Do you know how hard it has been for me to see puffins? It has been an impossible quest for me. We saw them! Colleen arranged it. I shall be eternally grateful. It ain’t easy! But then you never threw up over the side of a boat rocking in stormy seas….

Fingal’s cave? Fingal’s cave!! Gorse. Puffins. Heilan coo. Oban. Scenery. Rocks. Beach.

Gee, it was spectacular. Have I said that?

You don’t start a day with any goal in mind. We see. I shoot. It plays out. I shoot what I see. Digital is free. So I shoot to be sure I have a focused shot. … and to be sure the composition is good. Why not? Get it right from the camera rather than Photoshop later. Camera? Mostly a real DSLR. Lots of folks used iPhone for the puffins. Sigh. The coo was electronic telephoto with the Sony point and shoot. You can do as you choose. I try for the best glass (lens) whenever I can. Lately, though, the weight of the lens makes a difference. I carried the big heavy zoom from America. The puffins made the work all worth the effort. Puffins have been my unicorns.