Word and Image


Not a bad day. Sun, rain, hail… everyone talks about the weather on Skye. It changes frequently. The origin of its name is in sky.

We were going to walk to the fairy pools. … big tourist attraction. Big hike. We got as far as a tiny (water?)fall before the hail and wet turned us back. Yes, those are raindrops on my glasses. And, Colleen was mad enough that she would not wait for a selfie. (She told me to bring the umbrella.)

Mountain rescue?! Yup! They were headed up the same trail to aid a hiker. Umm…? There were three rescue vehicles and six guys… Someone to be sure was having a bad day. Forget the hail.

Colleen rides the left side of the car in Scotland. This is her shot. (I drive – her crazy.) That is her rearview side mirror. She shot this ram right next to her door. Sheep roam free on the road on Skye. Driver beware! Umm.. that would be me.

We never did make it to the fairy pool. The waterfall looked to be about 8ft tall but it is so much more impressive if you zoom in with the lens!

Yeah, yeah, it’s not a ‘typo.’ Same sheep – twice.

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