Word and Image

Posts tagged “Chicken


Andrew Carnegie was here and influenced things in this town. Yes, that Andrew…! In the foyer of Green’s restaurant he is quoted – Lemons? Make lemonade.

Pheasant in the field – oh my – two pheasants. Chicken? Pig? Are there ugly pigs? The moon – a shot in lieu of the northern lights. Alas!? Tree of life – full of symbolic meaning. Or, angel light – ephemeral, not seen often, and captured rarely in my camera. It’s bad enough… I drive on the right on the left side of the road. We are still talking to one another – barely! Yes, I was thinking of Stormy in the news today…


Colleen already is… vegetarian. Stifling hot summer day… off to the chicken plant. Nuggets! It’s a poor life for these animals. In other circumstances you would call this genocide. Harsh!?? I know that if I had to kill my own cow for meat, I would be vegetarian too.




plural noun: Americana

  1. things associated with the culture and history of America

Today is Americana. Flags, concerts, roadside signs, and kitsch. I certainly don’t know whether the American flag is a symbol of patriotism or of conservative Republican politics anymore. Rebel flags symbolize the Civil War never ended. White supremacy? Political signs assiduously avoid party affiliation in an attempt to build name recognition. When did that happen? And then there is just plain kitsch. The chicken at Royal Farms symbolizes its roots as a chicken farm and restaurant.

Blue tint, out my car window; I could correct it. But, nah! “See the USA in your Chevrolet… la da da, da da, da da, da da da….”

Chicken or egg

It’s not my first time…. passing this farm. The farmer leaves the door open. I never stopped before. I was unsure. It’s confirmed now. It leaves/left me uncomfortable. Do you really want to see how chickens are treated? It was a beautiful spring day – sunny with a gentle breeze. Caged! Prisoners! Captive! Humanely treated? It’s vaguely discomforting. I eat chicken and eggs. I don’t think about the process. Would I? Should I? … it made Colleen a vegetarian.

Moral dilemma


We have a lot of discussion about the world. Do you recycle? Do you know that much of it goes to China? It’s not turned into renewable things. It’s just trash in China. How about chicken? Here’s how they transport them. Don’t tell me about the awful conditions they are treated in Delaware. Organic eggs cost nearly $5 a dozen as opposed to $2.09. You decide. By looking at an egg I can tell that you did not lie and that that egg came from a happy chicken? It’s tortuous thinking. As I said, we debate a good many things. $5 or $2, it’s a dilemma.


Why’d the chicken go to the post office? Ha ha again. Not too much time between turkeys and chickens. Funny. We were rural – traveling back roads. Why not? I see chickens all the time. But in the parking lot of the post office?…. It (the chicken) was certainly used to people. It never flinched or scurried as I shot my pics. What does a chicken find to eat in a parking lot? Leftover “fries.?”

Too good to be true

So, we wandered through the animal display at the country fair. I’m not interested in chickens or rabbits. They are caged and you can’t get a good image. Whoa! Was I wrong! Thanks for dragging me in. Can you believe the images I got eyeball to eyeball with these chickens. And one even laid an egg for me. Hairy feet? Ok feathered feet? Crowing on demand? And the colors and the patterns. Oh my! I’m used to Perdue under plastic wrap. Too beautiful to eat… This was an extraordinarily wonderful unexpected find that I was dragged into seeing. Thanks!