Word and Image

Posts tagged “Truck


Colleen already is… vegetarian. Stifling hot summer day… off to the chicken plant. Nuggets! It’s a poor life for these animals. In other circumstances you would call this genocide. Harsh!?? I know that if I had to kill my own cow for meat, I would be vegetarian too.

oh, Canada!

Another random stroll through the catalog… I came across a biker on the road with a French road sign (Sortie). Oh!? Canada! Did we really eat in this place? Pop-up store in a truck? Gee, memories fade. My pictures are the anchors. I have forgotten a lot of stuff. This would all be lost without a record. It was not memorable? Enough?

Chicken or the egg

Which came first? Was the dent there or was it customized after the accident? I did a double take when I saw the back of this truck. That is Wile E. Coyote, right? I had trouble driving and taking the pic. No no, it wasn’t my driving. It was the rain that obscured my focusing. Ha! We got it. I got help. Colleen got the shot. Then we continued to speculate.

What the …?


We drive a two lane (road) in Maryland. We were about tenth in line behind a truck that took forever to pass… as in we didn’t… until it (road) became a four lane. In NYC a two lane is two lanes on my side or four lanes on my side. Everywhere else it seems that two lanes mean one lane in each direction. Oh boy! What the…! It’s a tank? Covered with canvas. Entry hatches. Driving along in Maryland. “No idea”, as Harry Potter would say. It took forever to pass the thing.



I lived in Maine for several years. I always marveled at the abandoned vehicles in the yards of the natives. Yes, I am ridiculing the habit. Tell me? Why? Are they there for parts, as a monument, some totem of significance or just that the vehicle died and is left to rot. Okay. Sorry. I do not mean to insult. But you folks have some ways that we flatlanders do not understand. Eye sore. Proud?