Word and Image


Not to forget the other child… (Lisa would obsess over forgetting the other child.) I remember chasing my kids never quite catching them and letting them believe that they were too fast for me, until they really were (faster). I never let them know the truth. But, I was proud that they surpassed the father and I could no longer catch them if I tried. Dave’s photographic talent has been better than me for many years now. I see it. I saw it long ago. There was that “je ne sais quoi” quality evident to early on after he asked for a Canon G10. Today, it’s iPhone. Everest! I shoot in quantity. Dave is quality. Proud? You bet.

2 responses

  1. lu

    Wow! That last photo is especially breathtaking.

    June 24, 2022 at 12:58 pm

  2. Yes. It is humbling to know your son has surpassed you with an iPhone. It is hard to deny talent.

    June 24, 2022 at 1:48 pm

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