Word and Image

Posts tagged “Waterfall

Do you play

Less is more?

Fractured? Humor? They pick up the mail twice a week? I guess you’d best not be in hurry to get your letter sent. Selfies done different. I can do it with one hand. We don’t use iPhone to selfie. So, there are alternatives to being in the same picture at the same time. Cheat? Cheating? Fun? Harmless. Honest? Or not?

A kiss is just a kiss… not!!


Not a bad day. Sun, rain, hail… everyone talks about the weather on Skye. It changes frequently. The origin of its name is in sky.

We were going to walk to the fairy pools. … big tourist attraction. Big hike. We got as far as a tiny (water?)fall before the hail and wet turned us back. Yes, those are raindrops on my glasses. And, Colleen was mad enough that she would not wait for a selfie. (She told me to bring the umbrella.)

Mountain rescue?! Yup! They were headed up the same trail to aid a hiker. Umm…? There were three rescue vehicles and six guys… Someone to be sure was having a bad day. Forget the hail.

Colleen rides the left side of the car in Scotland. This is her shot. (I drive – her crazy.) That is her rearview side mirror. She shot this ram right next to her door. Sheep roam free on the road on Skye. Driver beware! Umm.. that would be me.

We never did make it to the fairy pool. The waterfall looked to be about 8ft tall but it is so much more impressive if you zoom in with the lens!

Yeah, yeah, it’s not a ‘typo.’ Same sheep – twice.

Left hand

Left handed – Colleen and I are both left handed. Camera shutter buttons are made to be held in the right hand.  I can raise my left (hand). Something different from the ordinary goofing about, I caught our shadows at the waterfalls.

Perspective. Subjects in the foreground appear larger. I suppose I could compensate in Photoshop. I wuz lazy.

Cold and dreary

It’s Scotland. Typical weather. They joke about it. We put on our hats. It’s May. Spring comes late. Thistle is the national flower. Go over the old stone bridge. There are lots. And, visit the stone castle. There are lots awaiting funds to restore them to grandeur. Meanwhile heating is costly – brrrr! Rain? It did not deter our visit to a nearby local waterfall. Alas, no four leaf clover. But, otherwise, a grand day!

I peeked

34k, 45k, 56k, 88k, 73k, 102k, 88k – 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Yearly digital image count

So my catalogs are jumbled or the files are in places… I dare not think about. There is logic to the madness. Right!?

On average I got snapshots just like anyone else has. Some travel shots. Group shots. Cats! But 100k images in one year? 273 shots per day? Whew! Nuts! I guess I am a nut job. I gotta ask.. how many folks are smiling, how many are looking when I ask them to smile…?


From the time of my childhood I wanted to see Blackwater Falls. There was a winter photo with ice framed by a sunny day as the water cascaded. The picture never left my memory.

Who knew I would return from Saudi to finally see the falls in winter. Ha ha. From desert to this. But it would be disappointing in some aspects. We were not there on that magical day my memory recalled. There was ice to be sure. There was much to be needed to make the perfect picture. And in other ways it was a perfect picture. I had never dreamed I would be there with Colleen. She was not in that original memory. Somehow I think this real memory is so much better.

Right after I retired from Saudi and returned to the US, Colleen had me on extensive road trips to visit family. Her family extended across WV, CO, and OH. Do the math. It’s a lot of driving. But she did divert me through Blackwater Falls to see that mythical falls of my childhood memory. It was my first time. And, to return in winter with ice falling….

On so many levels this is a memory of almost. Almost good to almost perfect. I’ll take it!!

Blackwater falls

Oh! I had just returned from Saudi – working. I had the worst cold of my life. Coughing! Oh boy! Here we were – Blackwater falls. I am vaguely disappointed. I have yet to get that “quintessential” photo. I’m still trying. It’s like chasing the perfect barbecue…. People come from far and wide across the USA to be here. By comparison, this is a tiny falls. And, it took until my adulthood to see it. I knew of it and while I lived in WV, I had never been. My first visit, was, memorably with Colleen. It is one more fond memory we have in common. Ah! The longer hair, it hearkens back to my comments about hair the other day in my post. The waterfall? It will still be here; I shall do better another day. Sometimes imagination and creativity need more inspiration.

Wander thru my mind

No! No Freud today! It’s merely an exercise and lament. When I’m dead, someone looking thru the image catalog will have no reference to time and place. I have a database that will inform. Sure. But, I look at a series and piece together my past memory. The waterfall? I haven’t a clue to what or where. But the adjacent images on the same day, tell a story. I was in Amish country. Someone told me an eagle had nested among the powerlines. There was an image in an Amish market. The African daisy was on sale outside the door. I got some. And the clincher was an Amish farmer plowing the field. For me, in my mind, an image is the trigger for memory. By itself the image might mean nothing to the viewer. To me? it is the anchor to a memory of the day. It’s not photographic memory in one’s sense of genius and it is, most definitely, in my own mind. Convoluted? The brain is like that.

National Museum of African American History and Culture


Yes, it’s free. But that is not the only reason we attended. It opened about two years ago. It was pretty moving. I learned more than I wanted to know. For instance, the ship model cutaway shows slaves stacked like cargo. Exactly. And it was assumed that there could be as much as 33% loss of cargo during the voyage. Really! I never knew the inhumanity. And it was not confined to a single country. Multiple nations took part and profited. The suffering was enormous. I can admit that this was not something taught in any school I attended. History is written by the winners. The losers don’t get much mention. I’m truly saddened and appalled.


Reflection – reflecting pool/waterfall. It was on the list of places to see in the museum.


This cutaway model shows how human cargo was stacked/arranged for the long voyage from Africa to the colonies. I was shocked. Somehow, i never realized the utter lack of regard for human life. I am ashamed at my ignorance of human suffering. I am sad.



The thing about this image is that I had every opportunity to make it right. Ooops! The right side is way over exposed. I know that. I knew that. I should know that. I should have known that. Did I miss any tenses? Missed! Darn! There probably won’t be a next time. Getting the falls in the winter with the ice is an image I’ll likely not have a chance to do again. The important thing – did I learn from this mistake? Oh bother… another regret.

Blackwater Fall


A long long time ago… I saw this image in a travel brochure. It was a winter view of the falls with ice and snow and … oh my! It has been on my bucket list of images. Remember I’m a photo opportunist at heart. So it was not OCD enough for me to make a special trip. I was just keeping the image on my list. The point is to shoot the image yourself. Otherwise the internet will provide you with far better shots than I got. I did not hike down to the ideal location to capture the image. My OCD does not extend forever. I could have done better. I wonder why I did not go further. Time was limited. It was slippery. But, I was there, And, this is my shot. Done.

Waterfall – High Road, Low Road?


So here’s the story…. There was this sign at the fork in the road. One way to the waterfall and the other to who knows. We went to the waterfall. And it was uphill and then very very down hill. I guess we had to get to the bottom of the falls. It seems the best view is always from the bottom. Hmmmm…not Niagra? And after we got there the light was poor. Even with checking and with my spiffy see in the dark camera, it was hard and I did not really get a good pic of Jules.

_DSC3164 Too bad. We got some images. I can show you something. I’d do this photo op again just to get a proper picture. But it seems that this was another of life’s one way trips. You don’t go back in time or distance.IMG_6986Got a selfie. High road, low road? Life’s full of choices. If I knew, would we have stayed to get a better picture? No backs.