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While I slept…


This would be Feather (wearing a bag – shredded remnant). You may recall Marshall the dog came for an extended weekend. We are dog sitting. Or, rather I am. Certain persons and animals in my household heartily disapprove of my generosity. The claim on the table, like the 900lb gorilla in the room, is that Marshall tried to eat Feather when he last visited our house. (I personally think this is an exaggeration.) As soon as Marshall appeared Feather beat it. We did not see her for a day. Marshall sleeps at night – soundly. So, the noises and romping in the dark were definitely kitten made. When I arose this morning, Feather came through and shot under the couch. I could hear noises. Paper? She came out spontaneously when she saw I was without Marshall and the “coast was clear.” They had torn a shopping bag with rope handles to pieces. And, like a mane, Feather wore a paper “sail” remnant around her neck and torso. How she dove through the rope handle to nearly strangle herself is a mystery. As I said there was rather loud romping throughout the house in the middle of the night. Moral: Cats sometimes do need humans. I am more than just an easy meal ticket.

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Feather will not be shopping Yankee Candle any more.

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